
Mission Statement: Our mission is to teach people how to create, cultivate and transform their lives. 

About Us: Greenhall Ventures was founded to help people all across the world live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life. The founder lived in Washington, DC for years and discovered that so many people had well paid jobs and active social life, but they still were unhappy with their lives. So many others were suffering from burnout due to their fast-paced career, or were struggling to make the right career change, or didn’t have the courage to leave an unhealthy relationship. Being a psychology major, she continued to stress to her friends and co-workers that every aspect of your life is related. If one aspect is unhealthy or damaged it will spread and affect subsequent areas of your life. After moving from DC to Charleston, she became friends with some successful and powerful women who had recently moved to Charleston from Chicago,Boston and New York. Each woman had similar stories, their health, relationships, or career had suffered due to an imbalance in one or more aspects of their life. After years of research and studying, Greenhall Ventures introduced their first course, M3, to the public. The course, M3, is aptly named because the focus is on 3 M’s – money, mind and matters. It’s important to note that what matters, what truly matters to someone,maybe totally different from one person to another, and that is the heart of the journey of our M3 course.